Together with PLAYSPORTS, the Seestern Düsseldorf location initiative is planning free weekly team sports events for all tenants, friends and sports enthusiasts in Düsseldorf during the summer. The events (table tennis, yoga, running, fitness and tennis) will take place at and around Seestern at various locations. We are looking forward to great events with a summery ambience!
Here you will find a short overview of all events in 2022 (details can be found in the app):
02.05. | After Work Table Tennis with Borussia Düsseldorf | Rheinoffice Parking Lot | from 4 p.m.
04.05. | Yogamotion am Seestern | apoBank Wiese | 18:30 h
11.05. | Running am Seestern | Am Seestern Bus Stop | 17:30 h
18.05. | Fit For Office am Seestern | Infos follow
25.05. | Tennis am Seestern | Infos follow
08.06. | Yogamotion am Seestern | apoBank Wiese | 18:30 Uhr
15.06. | Running am Seestern | Am Seestern Haltestelle | 17:30 Uhr
22.06. | Fit For Office am Seestern | Infos follow
29.06. | Tennis am Seestern | Infos follow
06.07. | Yogamotion am Seestern | apoBank Wiese | 18:30 Uhr
13.07. | Running am Seestern | Am Seestern Haltestelle | 17:30 Uhr
20.07. | Fit For Office am Seestern | Infos follow
27.07. | Tennis am Seestern | Infos follow
03.08. | Yogamotion am Seestern | apoBank Wiese | 18:30 Uhr
10.08. | Running am Seestern | Am Seestern Haltestelle | 17:30 Uhr
17.08. | Fit For Office am Seestern | Infos follow
24.08. | Tennis am Seestern | Infos follow
You can register via the app here.

Together with PLAYSPORTS, the Seestern location initiative is planning free weekly team sports events for all tenants, friends and sports enthusiasts in Düsseldorf during the summer. The events (table tennis, yoga, running, fitness and tennis) will take place at and around Seestern at various locations. We are looking forward to great events with a summery ambience!
Here you will find a short overview of all events in 2022 (details can be found in the app):
02.05. | After Work Table Tennis with Borussia Düsseldorf | Rheinoffice Parking Lot | from 4 p.m.
04.05. | Yogamotion am Seestern | apoBank Wiese | 18:30 h
11.05. | Running am Seestern | Am Seestern Bus Stop | 17:30 h
18.05. | Fit For Office am Seestern | Infos follow
25.05. | Tennis am Seestern | Infos follow
08.06. | Yogamotion am Seestern | apoBank Wiese | 18:30 Uhr
15.06. | Running am Seestern | Am Seestern Haltestelle | 17:30 Uhr
22.06. | Fit For Office am Seestern | Infos follow
29.06. | Tennis am Seestern | Infos follow
06.07. | Yogamotion am Seestern | apoBank Wiese | 18:30 Uhr
13.07. | Running am Seestern | Am Seestern Haltestelle | 17:30 Uhr
20.07. | Fit For Office am Seestern | Infos follow
27.07. | Tennis am Seestern | Infos follow
03.08. | Yogamotion am Seestern | apoBank Wiese | 18:30 Uhr
10.08. | Running am Seestern | Am Seestern Haltestelle | 17:30 Uhr
17.08. | Fit For Office am Seestern | Infos follow
24.08. | Tennis am Seestern | Infos follow
You can register via the app here.